Google Maps Brings you Images from Mount Everest

Google Maps has integrated views from Seven Summits, or the seven tallest mountain ranges in each continent. You can watch amazing views from the top of each of these mountain ranges right from the comfort of your homes.

As the Google Blog Post says:  Most of us have a bucket list of the places we want to visit in our lifetime. Google Maps has a bucket list too, and today we’re checking off a couple of our favourites and if tall mountains are your thing, you’re in luck.  While there’s nothing quite like standing on the mountain, with Google Maps you can instantly transport yourself to the top of these peaks and enjoy the sights without all of the avalanches, rock slides, crevasses, and dangers from altitude and weather that mountaineers face. 

Google Maps presents a comprehensive view of Mount Everest in Asia, Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, Aconcagua (South America) which is the highest peak in both the Western and Southern hemisphere and Mount Elbrus in Europe apart from some other ranges. 
The new additions to Google Maps can be viewed even on smartphones. Google has also created a street-view gallery of the mountain shots and shared a hangout connecting with enthusiasts.
However, how did Google capture these images? According to the same blog post, the images were captured using a simple lightweight tripod and digital camera with a fisheye lens. Many trekking enthusiasts from Google even scaled the peaks to capture images from the mountains. 
Google Maps for sure is adventurous and we can’t wait to see what they come up with next!



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